Ifa Double Cabin Brigade Multifruit V4.0
A multi crops harvester with a rear belt or pallet unloading. It is an expansion and conversion from the Ifa Double Cabin Brigade from Fs22 of GBF Modding.
It have two engines, diesel and electric, two wheels configuration and color choices
It’s the perfect machine for root crops and vegetables whitout selling a kidney in big equipements, or loosing your soul on the 1 row pulled harvesters.
Autoload it’s suggested, but not mandatory, if you prefer to unload the crates instead of the loose crops into a trailer.
It harvest sugarbeets, potatos, carrots, parsnips, redbeets, spinachs, peas and green beans in an old fashioned hand way.
Reworked and cleaned i3d file.
Made two separate versions for both engines with according sounds.
Rear unload belt it’s now fixed and doesn’t need anymore to be unfolded, so no more confusion.
Added Ai, but it’s still wip dues it’s offset configuration, some more extra testing it’s needed and welcome.
At the moment the most viable way it’s to manually harvest the first two rows and let ai finish with the max available headlands, but sometims they refuse and just skip a row and drive over crops, i’m not able to fix it yet.
Courseplay it’s available and functioning, but still have some issues, but seems to works almost fine, worth a look.
Credit: IllGib, honved4