Juotca Flat Map 2X V1.0

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  1. Farm Productions Installed (Must Buy the Farmland to Own)
    – Seeds factory, Fertilizer plant, Lime plant, Diesel production, Forage plant, Pig food plant, Greenhouses, Farm orchard
  2. Production Points Installed (Must Buy the Farmland to Own)
    – All base map production points installed plus Brewery, Winery, Whisky factory, Pizza plant, Juice production
  3. Power Supply (Must Buy the Farmland to Own)
    – BGA plant, solar panels, Wind turbine (must be maintained to supply electricity)
  4. Selling Points and multifruit buying station Installed
    – Farmers Market AS, Farmers Market US, Dairy sell points, Biomass heating plant and buying station.
  5. Farmyard
    – Farmhouse installed, Farm silos installed, root crop silos installed, Garages and office, Sheds installed, etc. (must buy the farmland to own) Some start vehicles (leased)
  6. Rental Houses Installed
    – Rental houses generate income for every house (must buy the farmland to own)
  7. Rice Field Ready
    – Field 49
  8. Traffic Ready
  9. Wetness dico on the roads and some parts of the field.
  10. Fences are installed around each production point and homestead as well.

– Extract FS25_JuotcaFlatMapV1.0.zip all into you mod folder.

Thats it, and happy farming!

Credits: Juotca (Calvince Juma) Placeable Credits: Giant, TheSnake, Artois_stark, FED, Team IWMM, GamingMix/BlackRed26, SBMODDING, Jamie, Crooked Creek Modding & Mapping, Kyosho samuraju1, Dogface, AUSTRIAMODDING SASCHA, Gusta Scrpts: XPModder

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