FS25 Packs

Download latest fs25 packs for Farming Simulator 25 game!
Yurg’s Custom Pack V1.1.9
Version Important fix for Agco Multi Silo & Prod – Correction of a clearing zone (that erase what is at this place) misplaced by GIANTS developers in the Farma 500 i3d original file. – It does not have any impact if you have already placed it, as the damage has undoubtedly already been done (e.g. deleting a piece of field). – Thinking at first that I might have modified the game’s i3d without paying attention, I checked the i3d of another mod based on the same silo, and it contains the exact same error. Addition of Ropa Tiger 6S – 2 additional motors with higher max speed (896hp 58kph, 996hp 73kph) – motor start duration reduced to 1.5s – higher working speed (35kph) – optional unreal filling capacities – no color configuration...