FS25 Amity 3750 Potato Defoliatior Edit V1.0


This is just the base game Amity 3750, edited slightly to be a little more realistic in price and speed. And changed it to cut the tops of Potatoes now instead of beets

Price: 50,000
Work speed: 12kph
Can change rim colour to match your tractor.
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That sounds like a great modification to the Amity 3750! Changing it to cut the tops of potatoes instead of beets makes it more versatile for players who focus on potato farming. The adjusted price and speed also make it more appealing and realistic in terms of gameplay. The ability to change the rim color to match your tractor adds a nice customization option for players looking to coordinate their equipment aesthetically. It seems like these changes enhance the overall gameplay experience for potato farmers in FS25.