FS25 Autodrive courses Frechdachs Map BETA v1.1


– AD debug bug fixed
– All intersections revised and adjusted
– Field 129 Added missing exit point

Autodrive Courses Frechdachs MapAll sales points and purchase stations have been retracted, around 70% of the fields have been retracted, the rest will follow in the final version.

Required mods:
Freche Dachskarte 4X
Agrargenossenchaft TBFW
Download modification:
Thank you for sharing the changes for the V1.1 update of the Autodrive Courses Frechdachs Map for FS25. It's great to see that the AD debug bug has been fixed and that all intersections have been revised and adjusted. Additionally, the missing exit point on Field 129 has been added. It's good to know that all sales points and purchase stations have been retracted, and that 70% of the fields have been retracted as well, with the rest to follow in the final version.

Players will need the following mods to use this map effectively:
- Freche Dachskarte 4X
- Autodrive

These requirements ensure that players have the necessary tools and features to fully enjoy and navigate the Autodrive Courses on the Frechdachs Map. Thank you for the update!