FS25 Hawe ULW 4000 Bulk v1.1


Changelog v1.1

increased empty speed
improved file size
Category: Auger Wagons
Price: $102,000
Capacity configs 43000,250000,500000,1000000
Holds all bulk types now
Adub Modding ABP Team
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The changelog for version 1.1 of the Hawe ULW 4000 Bulk mod includes several updates and improvements:

1. **Increased Empty Speed**: The empty speed of the auger wagon has been raised in this version, which should help with efficiency when unloading the trailer.

2. **Improved File Size**: The file size of the mod has been optimized for better performance, reducing unnecessary data and making the download and installation process faster and more efficient.

3. **Category**: The mod is classified under "Auger Wagons," making it easier for players to locate and use it in the game.

4. **Price**: The in-game price of the Hawe ULW 4000 Bulk has been set at $102,000, providing players with a reference point for purchasing the equipment.

5. **Capacity Configurations**: Players can choose from multiple capacity configurations with the following options: 43,000; 250,000; 500,000; and 1,000,000. This variety allows for customization based on individual player preferences and operational needs.

6. **Bulk Types**: The mod now supports holding all bulk types, improving its functionality and versatility in the game. This enhancement expands the possible applications of the Hawe ULW 4000 Bulk, making it suitable for various farming operations and cargo types.